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Browse the Plans Below for the Group Salt Cave and Yoga Studio
We offer a variety of plans for both the group salt cave and the yoga studio. Each plan provides our guests discounts for our healing and relaxing services.
Note: Our Group Salt Cave Plans are transferable to guests. You buy the pass... you can share with friends!
Salt Cave Session, $25:
1 Session in the Group Himalayan Salt Cave
Crescent Moon Pass, $60:
3 Sessions in the Group Himalayan Salt Cave
Quarter Moon Pass, $100:
6 Sessions in the Group Himalayan Salt Cave
Half Moon Pass, $200:
15 Sessions in the Group Himalayan Salt Cave
Full Moon Pass, $350:
30 Sessions in the Group Himalayan Salt Cave
Drop-In Class: $15
1 Yoga Class
Om Pass, $44:
4 Yoga Classes
Lotus Pass, $75:
8 Yoga Classes
Plans & Pricing: Headliner
Group Salt Cave and Yoga Class Pack Memberships
Crescent Moon Pass
60$3 Sessions in the Group Salt CaveValid for one year- $20 a Session
- Transferable to Family and Friends
Quarter Moon Pass
100$6 Sessions in the Group Salt CaveValid for one year- $16.67 per Session
- Transferable to Family and Friends
Half Moon Pass
200$15 Salt Group Cave SessionsValid for one year- $13.33 per Session
- Transferable to Family and Friends
- Best Value
Full Moon Pass
350$30 Sessions in the Group Salt CaveValid for one year- $11.67 per Session
- Best Value!
- Transferable to Family and Friends
Om Pass-Yoga
44$4 Yoga ClassesValid for one year- $11 a class
- Single Person Use Only
Lotus Pass-Yoga
75$8 Yoga Classes PassValid for one year- $9.34 per Yoga Class
- Single Person Use Only
Plans & Pricing: PaidPlans
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